Tuesday, March 31, 2015

How To Get Started In Reselling/Picking - Part 1

"Start Small and Think Big" has been our motto since we started doing this in 2014.  I always had a way of finding good deals on items and selling them for more when I was a youngster.  My niche at the time was toys and video games.  Last year, my girlfriend and I talked about doing some reselling/picking part-time.  We didn't have a large amount of money but put some aside and began to hit garage sales and our local thrift stores.  Occasionally we would visit our local Goodwill.  We had a budget for every other weekend we could go shop for items to resell.  Then we found out that we could find valuable information on YouTube with how-to videos.

Everyone has their own opinion of how to start out.  I don't believe there is an exact perfect way to start but I will share some of our tips on what worked for us.  Keep in mind, this is just our opinion and results may vary depending on the individual reseller/picker.

What To Sell?

This is probably the most asked question for anyone who wants to get into reselling.  There is only one answer to this question: anything.  What I mean by anything, is that you can sell anything and everything.  You simply have to find your "niche" of what works for you.  For us, we started out with toys and video games but found that lately, ceramics and mugs have worked for us.  We have learned lots of things about ceramics and mugs in the past two months such as, pricing, rarity, types etc.  Since our local thrift stores have good deals on ceramics and mugs, we have a consistent source of inventory for these items.  This could change at anytime so we always have to expand our options to other things to source for resell.  We don't specialize in one area, we have a variety of items for sell on eBay.  The more the variety the more different people reached and the more opportunity you have to sell items.  Sell what you enjoy selling. Do your research on items you find interesting.  Start selling items and see what works for you.

Please check back for the next part in our "How to Get Started In Reselling/Picking" blog.  We welcome any comments, questions or suggestions.  Remember, we are still new to this so we are always open to learning more about this and sharing with others.  Thank you for viewing our blog.  Please check out our poll and vote.

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