Sunday, March 22, 2015

Welcome! The Cauldron Is Up!

Welcome to Cauldron of Collectibles

This is our first blog post so we hope you enjoy it.  

Cauldron of Collectibles consists of Izzy and my girlfriend Bella (nicknames).  We are new to the reselling/picking community but hope to establish ourselves in the future and help it grow.  We will have a weekly blog sharing our finds, experiences etc. with reselling/picking.  Our main venue is eBay but we are working on a few other sites to sell our items online. 

Please like us on Facebook at: Cauldron of Collectibles

Follow us on Twitter @izzynbella

Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: Cauldron of Collectibles

You may contact us with any questions or suggestions at our Gmail: Cauldron of Collectibles

Thank you and we hope you enjoy our blog site.

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